Family Migration

Family Migration Overview

Our Family Migration Services cover

  1. Partner Visa (including same sex partners)
  2. Subclass 309 (provisional)(offshore) leading to Subclass 100 (permanent)
  3. Subclass 820 (provisional)(onshore) leading to Subclass 801 (permanent)

  4. Parent Visa
  5. Contributory Parent subclass 143: onshore or offshore permanent visa
  6. Contributory Parent (Temporary) subclass 173: onshore or offshore temporary visa
  7. Contributory Aged Parent subclass 864: onshore permanent visa
  8. Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) subclass 884: onshore temporary visa
  9. Aged Parent subclass 804: onshore permanent visa
  10. Sponsored Parent (Temporary) subclass 870: : onshore or offshore temporary visa

  11. Child Visa
  12. Subclass 101: offshore permanent visa
  13. Subclass 802: onshore permanent visa
  14. Subclass 102: offshore permanent visa for adopted child

  15. Remaining Relative Visa
  16. Subclass 115: offshore
  17. Subclass 835: onshore

  18. Aged Dependent Relative Visa
  19. Subclass 114: offshore
  20. Subclass 838: onshore

  21. Carer Visa
  22. Subclass 116: offshore
  23. Subclass 836: onshore

  24. Orphan Relative Visa
  25. Subclass 117: offshore
  26. Subclass 837 : onshore